Thursday, July 29, 2010

My latest in a string of admirers.....

It's never a dull moment in funeral sales....I had an appointment with yet another "2nd marriage for both" couple.  This one happened to actually like each other and called each other "babe".  Here's the kicker:  She is in her early sixties and he is, are you ready for this!?!?!?:  93.  That is correct, he is 93. That is NOT a typo. He looks young and acts young despite his need for oxygen.  We began talking about his funeral plan.  Hers was taken care of long ago with her first husband.  We were talking about her husband's good health and she said they joke that he will probably outlive her and he will then have to find a 3rd wife.  He responded by looking at me and instructing me to leave my number so he could call me in the event of his wife's untimely death.  An awkward silence followed his comment.  I am getting quite good at simply ignoring these types of comments as if they never occurred.  It's the right  thing to do and infinitely wiser than responding or offering him any sort of hope that I might be interested.  Especially with wifey-poo sitting right there.  Well, I did end up leaving my number, but for business purposes only. At least I made a sale out of the deal.

He stays young by driving around his old 54 Hudson that he had restored.  I had to take a look at the car.  It was pretty spectacular.  He appeared to be in better health than the 83 yr. old, so maybe age really is relative.

Another option opened up to me.  I called a guy I have been working with on trying to talk him into his funeral plan.  Try not to be jealous of my job.  I know it's hard given the fact that I am selling people on the idea of their own demise, but being prepared and paying for a funeral in advance is really is a wise choice and you save thousands of dollars in the long run. Enough of the shameless plug.  Back to my story:   I met with him a few weeks ago.  He's been married 4 or 5 times and now has a girlfriend in Layton, I believe.  He apparently doesn't want to get married again.  To which I say, "why not??!?!?  Perhaps the 6th or 7th time is the charm!"  Just leave me out of the equation!  I called today as a follow-up to our previous follow-up.  He told me that he hadn't done one thing since we last talked.  but he had been thinking about me. After which he added, "and my funeral plan as well".  Oh goody!  Another one that is too old, has too many ex-wives and sadly, he has an inoperable brain tumor that causes forgetfulness but is not cancer.  Apparently, his condition has not allowed him to forget me as yet..

My job is opening up endless dating possibilities.......who knows what next week will bring!


  1. O.K.two things...WHY in the world is a 93 yr. old still allowed to be driving around? AND it's so funny to me that these old guys are still trying to 'work it'? Men! It must be part of their genetic make up or something! They never give up do they? Even when death (or the funeral salesgirl) is knocking at their door. Funny ol guys!

  2. Love these stories. They crack me up.
